Opinions and interviews within our community, homeopaths having a voice and activities within homeopathic organisations.

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Pema Sanders: Homeopathy for Living – online first aid courses for everyone
Homeopathy for Living – a new project offering online first-aid courses to the general public Roughly two years ago, I was approached by a woman...
Selina Hatherley: HRI homeopathy evidence-based update
How many times have you been challenged to answer the question, what scientific evidence is there that homeopathy works? In the latest update from...
Rix Pyke: Society 2024 annual conference
2024 Society of Homeopaths Annual Conference Why do Children get ill? - a homeopathic and anthroposophical view of childhood diseases Saturday 18th...
Allan Pollock: Society 2024 annual conference
2024 Society of Homeopaths Annual Conference Why do Children get ill? - a homeopathic and anthroposophical view of childhood diseases Saturday 18th...
Rohini Roy: Winter wellness-navigating coughs and colds
Registered member Rohini Roy discusses winter wellness and ways to navigate coughs and colds with homeopathic harmony. Winter sets in, bringing with...
#HRILondon2023: the best & brightest in homeopathy science
Registered member Suse Moebius reports on the Homeopathy Research Institute's (HRI) 5th international research conference held in London between...
Cheryl Peavoy: Homeopathic remedies for a happy and healthy Christmas
As the Christmas season unfolds with festive songs, twinkling lights, mulled wine, mince pies and a jam packed calendar, Registered Homeopath Cheryl...
Cheryl Peavoy: Natural help for hormones during peri-menopause and menopause
Registered Homeopath Cheryl Peavoy explores the best homeopathic medicines for any time of natural hormonal change like Peri-menopause and...
Kiran Grover : Homeopathy for gut health
Registered Homeopath and natural health consultant Kiran Grover explores the best homeopathic medicines for your gut health. Gut health problems are...
Fan Eustace & Allan Pollock: Learning from the Old Masters
Society members Allan Pollock and Fan Eustace share their experience of attending the Old Masters Workshops. Allan Pollock attended Workshop 1 with...
Kiran Grover: How effective is homeopathic treatment for anxiety?
In my twenties I suffered with anxiety. I was a senior advisor in Whitehall advising Ministers. But every day, once I got onto the tube, I would...
Cristal Skaling-Klopstock: WHO Summit sets out a declaration
Homeopathy UK Chief Executive Cristal Skaling-Klopstock reports on the World Health Organisation Traditional Medicine Global Summit held in August...
Weleda UK: Arnica – the perfect recovery partner
The sunny yellow Arnica montana plant thrives in wild mountain meadows and calcium-poor peat soils. Although its long stems and delicate petals look...
A United Voice: Bigger, brighter, bolder
As Chairman of the Friends of the Royal London Hospital, Society Registered member Caroline Ford represents the group on 4Homeopathy. Caroline...
#HRILondon2023: the best and brightest in homeopathy science
Registered member Suse Moebius reports on the Homeopathy Research Institute’s (HRI) 5th international research conference held in London between...
Conference flourishing success
Registered member Shusha Walmsley and Student member Chirene Hawke share their experience of the Society 2023 Conference 'How to make your garden...
Christine Lees: Congratulations on Honorary Fellowship
At the Society of Homeopaths AGM in April 2023, Christine Lees was awarded an Honorary Fellowship for her work spanning 20 years in the advancement...
Suse Moebius : Spare us Nothing
‘Spare Us’: this is Prince Harry’s autobiography, ‘Spare’, as renamed by exasperated Royals. And “spare us!”, the homeopaths sigh, as yet another...
Selina Hatherley: An international, integrated look at immunity
Saturday 30 April was a first for the Society – our first one day, international summit. With 140 practitioners from around the world, gathered...
Sue Craven: Fellowship congratulations
At the Society AGM held last month, a Fellowship was awarded to registered member Sue Craven. Sue received a Fellowship in recognition of her...
Sato Liu: Congratulations on Honorary Fellowship
Sato Liu was awarded an Honorary Fellowship at the Society AGM in April 2023. Sato has made a significant, consistent and long term contribution to...
Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy: 1890 to 2022
We are delighted to have Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy as joint sponsor of the 2022 Society Summit. Nelsons have been delivering natural healthcare...
Seemi Saify: World Homeopathy Awareness
World Homeopathy Day, as it is known in Southern Asian countries, honours the birthdate and memory of the ‘Father of Homeopathy’ Dr. Samuel...
Suse Moebius: HRI London 2023:
Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy back in the UK this summer Friday 16th – Sunday 18th June After a Pandemic-induced pause, and a successful...
Selina Hatherley: 99th Faculty of Homeopathy Congress
Friday 22 October saw the 99th Faculty of Homeopathy congress online. It looked to be a full day with nine speakers, so lots of concentration...
Selina Hatherley: Integrated Healthcare Collaborative update
Hello members, I thought I’d share one of the things I’ve been doing in my role as a Director. For the past few months I’ve been representing the...
Lucinda Torabi: The patient voice programme – a research blog
The impact of COVID-19 is being felt and seen everywhere and its arrival in the UK has created an unprecedented focus on health. COVID has also...
Sara Saund & Isobel Fothergill: Reflecting on student life during lockdown
Sara Saund: What a year! I was a year 3 student at the School of Homeopathy when we first went into lockdown. As well as studying, I am a mother of...
Marcus Christo: An overview of Shilpa Bhouraskar’s webinar
On Saturday 15th May 2021, Shilpa Bhouraskar joined us live from Australia for a session on how to improve results in the homeopathy clinic. Shilpa...
David Smith : How to manage stress
It is important to know the difference between psychological and emotional stress, and then to know how to handle each. Imagine the neck as the...
Mani Norland: The how of homeopathy – a research blog
Insights from current, cutting edge research Science helps us make sense of the world. From understanding atomic structure, to exploring the far...
Caroline Ford: Models in science – a research blog
Models have many different functions. In science models are widely employed to help understand things that cannot be viewed directly. The idea is to...
Suse Moebius: Kindness
Yes, a virus can affect your mental health. And so can kindness. The Royal College of Psychiatrists recently warned of a potential ‘tsunami’ of...
Selina Hatherley: Business as unusual
To paraphrase Darwin’s quote; It is not the strongest homeopaths that survive, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the ones most...
Joel Kreisberg: Taking perspectives – growing the homeopath
How do I improve my understanding of homeopathic healing? Endlessly learning more materia medica with the publication of each remedy or clumsily...
Linda Wicks: Scope of Practice – a practical tool
As we enter a new decade it’s a great time for us to review our practice profile – both collectively and as individuals. Looking back over the last...
Selina Hatherley: A look back at my first year as a Society director
Thank you, members for giving me the opportunity to represent you on the Board - it has certainly been an eventful year so far. I officially joined...
Maggie Dixon: Safeguarding concerns all of us
My nursing background in the NHS and health visiting has underpinned my safeguarding practice for children and vulnerable people. When I started my...
Matt Pepper: Learning how to be happy could transform our health . . . and our lives
After my first few years in practice I began to notice that, although clients would initially come to see me for help with a physical ailment, once...
Selina Hatherley: What does professionalism mean for us?
It has been a challenging couple of weeks for homeopaths, and homeopathy. It is upsetting when our profession is publicly criticised, and our...
Philippa Fibert: We can do more to help young people cope with emotional crises
I sometimes think we're missing a trick by not promoting how good homeopathy is at helping with emotional difficulties. This was the main finding of...
Amanda Lehmann: Mixing homeopathy with a rock ‘n’ roll life
As a homeopathy student having just completed four years of study at HCEA, I am now looking forward to starting on my journey as a homeopath....
Alexandre Winkler: The evidence behind France’s homeopathy funding ban is flawed
In March 2018 the French Health Minister, Agnès Buzyn, invited the HAS (the National Authority for Health) to examine whether the cost of...
Tracy Karkut-Law: The business of being a homeopath
If we are going to change the world with homeopathy, we need to get more people seeing homeopaths. Imagine that the UK was populated with homeopaths...
Karen Allen: How sepia helped to ease a mother’s distress
Karen Allen, a specialist in homeopathy for reproductive and fertility issues, explains how homeopathy helped a young woman in her thirties through...
Patricia Hatherly: What is special about human milk?
All milks are basically a very watery mix of protein, sugar (lactose) and fat with a modicum of minerals; and each milk is species-specific in order...
Suse Moebius: This is our opportunity to push for change on integrated healthcare
The new NHS long-term plan, published in early January, sets the course for the next 10 years in UK Healthcare. To coincide with this publication,...
Matt Pepper: Mystery illness became my route to homeopathy
My interest in the world of helping people was sparked off 30 years ago when I was 12. I had been bedridden for six months with a mystery...
Careers: Why I became a homeopath
I was lucky enough to have discovered homeopathy just at the right time and it made complete sense to me, a system of medicine that seeks to help...