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Home 5 Opinion 5 Kiran Grover: Homeopathy for irregular periods

Kiran Grover: Homeopathy for irregular periods

Registered Homeopath and natural women’s health expert Kiran Grover explores the best homeopathic medicines for your irregular periods

Periods are a natural, important and healthy part of a woman’s life. Women who suffer with irregular periods can struggle to find out the root cause of their period problems and also to find a natural solution.

Homeopathy can offer women with period problems, including irregular periods the help and support that they need. A regular period takes place about every 28 days, lasting about 5 days and should ideally start with a fresh bright bleed with minimal cramps and clots. But irregular periods can be unpredictable appearing in longer or shorter intervals. Some women will have 2 bleeds a month, some may not bleed for over a month or longer.

Common causes of irregular periods can be stress, anxiety, weight loss, intense exercise, poor diet (including eating disorders) IBS, Anaemia and Hormonal imbalance.

Homeopathic treatment can be very supportive in helping women with irregular periods. As homeopathy is a holistic approach symptoms are addresses at all levels, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Kiran’s top homeopathic remedies for irregular periods

This homeopathic remedy is really helpful in treating irregular periods with a heavy bleed and a drawing or spasmodic intermittent pain in the pelvic area, thighs, legs. You may also have a headache with the period.

Another great homeopathic medicine for periods that are irregular in time, amount, pain, and flow. You will have shooting pains that go down the hips, thighs, or pain in the back. Cramps can feel labour like in their intensity and the patient will feel restless, fearful, and even depressed during the period. The menstrual bleed can be profuse with dark with clots.

Again, the flow of the period is irregular, often short, and feeble or heavy with tension. The blood can be very dark in colour. You may feel an increased libido. You will avoid wearing tight clothes like jeans during your period as it can feel restrictive around your body.

Nat Mur
Nat Mur is a great homeopathic remedy when there are irregular heavy periods with a bearing down pain, which can be worse in the morning and can feel like labour pain. You may also feel low in mood.

Pulsatilla is the indicated homeopathic medicine when the menstrual bleed is delayed, often dark in colour, thick or clotted. It can be scanty and accompanied by cramps. The patient will feel tearful, or changeable in her moods.

Sepia can be the indicated homeopathic remedy when the period is delayed and scanty or early and profuse with sharp pain. You will experience a dragging down sensation and the patient feels fatigue, irritability and fed up, especially with their loved ones.

Homeopathic medicine can be really helpful in treating irregular periods problems.

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 Kiran Grover MA, LCHE RSHom Homeopathic Consultant

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