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Society Conference 2025 - THE WISDOM OF THE CRONES

When menopause has little to do with menopause

with Karen Allen

There is a remarkable constellation that comes together for many women in their late 40s and early 50s: teen kids and empty nesting; caring for Mum, Granny or Uncle Bob; peak responsibility in their career and emerging awareness of their life situation, dreams, compromises and frustrations.

This crucible of the 5th decade is often draped with the generic label of menopause – even when there is little evidence of climaxis in labs or menstruation.

As practitioners we can be discerning in our assessment of the constraints and needs of women who assign themselves this label, but are dealing with so much more.


About Karen Allen

Karen Allen, LHP was drawn to homeopathy after a seeing remarkable response in an illness for one of her children.

After years of self care and self study, she enrolled and graduated from Pacific Academy of Homeopathy in San Francisco, California. She has been in clinical practice since 1994.

Karen has specific interests in clinical effectiveness research for integrative healthcare modalities, and in the infrastructure of emerging health professions.

She serves as president of the Accrediting Commission for Homeopathy in North America (ACHENA), and was formerly the education director for Homeopaths Without Borders’ Haiti project. She is the director of TrinityHealthHub.com, a community training resource for homeopaths.


Explore the other Speakers

Myriam Shivadikar

Myriam Shivadikar

International teacher and homeopath

Transitioning into the Golden Age

Vanessa Black

Vanessa Black

In private practice and also mentors homeopaths, therapists, and psychology students.

Mining the self at midlife

Lauri Grossman, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA)

Lauri Grossman, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA)

President of the National Center for Homeopathy

Clinical improvements in homeopathy for hormone balance, bone strength, and nervous tissue health

Dr Marilyn Glenville

Dr Marilyn Glenville

The UK’s leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health.

Menopause and perimenopause - how to help women through this stage in their life

Secure Your Place Today!


Saturday, May 17, 2024


10:00 - 17:45


Online Event - Accessible from Anywhere