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Home 5 Opinion 5 Careers: Why I became a homeopath

Careers: Why I became a homeopath

I was lucky enough to have discovered homeopathy just at the right time and it made complete sense to me, a system of medicine that seeks to help the body heal and rebalance.

So when I became ill following successive road traffic accidents, I turned to a homeopath very quickly. I did initially consult with my GP who referred me on to consultants, all of which were knowledgeable and sympathetic, but what they had to offer was palliative and designed to help me manage not rebalance the body systems that were all struggling and causing debilitating pain and fatigue on a daily basis.

Prior to the accidents I had pushed myself too hard as a chartered management accountant, working long hours for large businesses with a long commute to and from work, too. Being ill made me re-evaluate what I enjoyed about life and work.

Leaving behind corporate world

Becoming a homeopath leaves behind the constant restructuring that the corporate world demands and the recurring threat of redundancy, retirement at a pre-set age whether you want to or not, and regimented, possibly long hours that don’t fit in with being a parent or a carer.

As a homeopath I am helping others; there’s no chance of getting bored as every patient is different and there is always more to learn about the human body and the power of natural medicine.

If you have a growing family, you can adapt your hours to suit your needs which also fits in with patients who work and may have family too. You don’t have to retire until you want to; you only get wiser as a homeopath not redundant!

Value of networking

I see other homeopaths regularly and network with people from other professions too who are also self-employed, which means I feel supported as a homeopath but also as a self-employed person trying to make a living. Networking outside of homeopathy is valuable too.

One year on, I have already treated lots of conditions, given several talks to varying sizes of audience, started writing short health articles and have testimonials from patients thankful for their treatment, which only confirms I have made the right choice by changing profession.

I hope to increase my practice and networking with other professionals is enabling this as, when I chat with them they book with me, recommend me, and I benefit from their professional expertise too.

Michelle Riches RSHom


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