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Sustainable healthcare day

April 6th is Sustainable Healthcare Day. In conjunction with other complementary therapies under the umbrella of the Integrated Healthcare Collaborative (IHC), this year our focus is stress and stress related illnesses. Stress is one of the great public health challenges of our time. For too many of us, it is a common and regular occurrence. 74% of UK adults say that they have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope (Source: Mental Health Foundation survey 2018).

Stress will always exist, and affects most of us from time to time. However, with greater awareness, we can help to prevent it, or at least manage it and prevent it from becoming chronic, which can lead to a range of other mental health conditions. It is also linked to physical health conditions like heart disease, problems with our immune system, insomnia and digestive problems.

These conditions are harder to deal with, affect people’s lives, and costs the NHS huge amounts of money. Stress-related illnesses have been estimated to cost the NHS over £11 billion, representing 6.2% of total health expenditure.

This is a huge drain on public resources. (Source: CIGNA report 2020) In addition, more than 3 million emergency department visits were driven by stress-related illness; more than 9 million outpatient attendances related to stress; over 5.5 million inpatient admissions were driven by stress-related illness; the largest proportion of stress-related healthcare expenditure, accounting for 23% of all inpatient spend; stress also accounted for a third of primary care expenditure (33%), at a cost of £1.8 billion and £238 million to government and the private sector, respectively.

Society of Homeopaths members’ have an important role to play in addressing stress and helping to prevent chronic stress and stress related illnesses. With greater availability and use of complementary, traditional and natural healthcare therapies such as homeopathy, we can have a positive impact on patient health and wellbeing, reduce susceptibility to stress, and facilitate coping with stress.

This would reduce the need for people to access NHS services for stress related illnesses, thereby saving public funds and increasing capacity

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