What all members share is a passion and desire to help others through the healing power of homeopathy
About us
We are a value led organisation, welcoming homeopaths and students with an interest in helping us support the nation’s health where homeopathy plays an important part in everyday healthcare.
Our members join us to be part of an active community of caring and forward thinking homeopaths who help each other to help people improve their own and their family’s health.
There’s lots of practical support for everyone, no matter where you are on your personal journey. Come along to our lunch and learn My Practice sessions, and learn from fellow members who run busy, successful practices. Hear from internationally renowned homeopaths at our annual conference and book your place at our hugely popular events throughout the year.
There are lots of ways to get involved with the biggest community of homeopaths in the UK. Meet members in your area at your nearest coffee and catchup meetings or alternatively with our help start your own group. You can also contribute to our learned and thought provoking triannual Journal or write a blog for the website.

Could I be a Society member?
Yes. Members come from all walks of life, and with a wide variety of backgrounds and experience from nurses and journalists to accountants and actors.
Each of our members has a personal story to tell. Often it’s about illness, and a journey back to health, usually their own ill health or that of a family member, that led them to try homeopathic medicine, and then go on to train as a homeopath, giving up other careers to do so.
What all members share is a passion and desire to help others through the healing power of homeopathy.

What does RSHom stand for?
Our RSHoms complete rigorous training (normally two to three years full time or four years part time). On registering, members sign up to the Code of Ethics and Practice, and agree to practise in accordance with our high occupational standards and criteria. RSHoms also undertake an ongoing programme of continuing professional development, helping them to keep in touch with the latest developments in homeopathy and good practice management.
The Society was founded in 1978 by a group of homeopaths who shared a vision to develop the profession, ensure high standards in practise and to see homeopathy become an integral part of everyday healthcare for everyone in the UK. Today, the Society has over 1,200 members across the UK and globally.
The people
We are a membership organisation run by members for members. We are governed by a Board of Directors elected by members, with Independent Directors appointed for their expertise and experience.
Directional and operational lead by our Chief Executive and Chair, and then you have our friendly staff who provide support for all Society activities, and help and support to members, and the public.
Society awards
Each year we present a variety of awards to homeopaths and others who have made a significant contribution to homeopathy. Fellowships are awarded annually at the Society’s AGM, following nominations from registered members.
Along with a growing library of films, of past conferences and homeopathic workshops, we publish New Homeopath, the journal of the Society of Homeopaths, essential reading and viewing for homeopaths today.
Making a complaint
The Society of Homeopaths aims to deal with concerns and complaints transparently, impartially and fairly for all concerned.
If you wish to express a concern about a member of the Society of Homeopaths
Supporting colleges & educators
The Society of Homeopaths International Recognition Scheme is designed to support colleges and educators in delivering high-quality, globally recognised homeopathy education. .
Board elections
We are a membership organisation governed by a board of directors, which consists of homeopaths elected by members, together with a lay member, appointed for their expertise in specific areas.
Details of the 2024 EGM for registered members only:
You can only access this information if you are a registered member. Ensure you are logged in.
We hold our AGM in the spring to give members an opportunity to see what the Society has been doing on their behalf and vote on important matters.
In 2024 our Members’ Discussion and AGM will be held online on 18th April from 16.00-18.00.
Further information for members participation:
You can only access this information if you are a registered member.
Corporate documents
Each year the Society produces an annual review explaining how we are supporting our members and what we hope to achieve for the forthcoming year and beyond.
Public statement
Other organisations
We engage with other organisations who share our values and work to promote homeopathy and ensure that information about homeopathy is accurate and fairly represented.
By belonging to the Society, you can share your ideas and have your say in shaping the future of homeopathy in the UK
Get in touch
Want to speak to our Society team?
01604 817890