Evidence Based Homeopathy webinar films


Recordings of the Evidence Based Homeopathy webinar from February 2021 (running time of each film approx 1 hour)


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Recordings of the Evidence Based Homeopathy webinar from February 2021 (running time of each film approx 1 hour):

  • Dr Alex Tournier – an overview of basic research in homeopathy
  • Dr Philippa Fibert – clinical trials in homeopathy, complexities, difficulties and evidence
  • Dr Steven Cartwright – understanding homeopathic potencies through the use of solvatochromic dyes
  • Dana Ullman – reviewing four government sponsored reviews of homeopathic research

When purchased, viewing instructions and password will be in My Account under orders.

Summary of the film content:

Reviewing Four Government Sponsored Reviews of Homeopathic Research
with Dana Ullman

A government agency in Switzerland sponsored two reports on homeopathic research, while agencies in the United Kingdom and Australia have sponsored one report each on this subject. These reports have had a profound mostly negative effect on governments around the world, leading to the stopping of reimbursement for homeopathic treatment and homeopathic medicines.  Dana discusses the importance for homeopaths and homeopathic organisations to understand the flawed science used in three of the four government sponsored reports on homeopathic research to ensure the vital growth and deeper acceptance of homeopathy.

An Overview of basic research in Homeopathy
with Dr Alex Tournier

The field of homeopathy is moving steadily along and we are gaining clarity as to what works and what doesn’t. Alex  presents the key findings and understandings gathered from recent review of the physico-chemical experiments in homeopathy, highlighting solid results on which to build future research.

 A way forward
- clinical trials in homeopathy, complexities, difficulties and evidence with Dr Philippa Fibert

Clinical trials in homeopathy are fraught with complexity and are hugely expensive and difficult to run. Philippa walks you through some of the complexities and difficulties before summarising the current evidence base and suggesting a way forward where all homeopaths can contribute.

Understanding homeopathic potencies through the use of solvatochromic dyes
with Dr Steven Cartwright

In this presentation Steven looks at some of the evidence that has been gained from examining potencies using a range of different solvatochromic dyes. The sensitivity of these fascinating compounds to the presence of potencies and the way they respond electronically is helping to build up a picture of the likely fundamental nature of potencies, and consequently how they may act therapeutically. The possible implications of this research for clinical practice, as well as agricultural and veterinary homeopathy is explored.

When purchased, viewing instructions and password will be in My Account under orders.