Scientific research suggests that homeopathy can be clinically effective, cost effective and safe.

Home 5 About homeopathy 5 The evidence base for homeopathy

The evidence base for homeopathy

Although scientific research in homeopathy is a relatively new field, current evidence so far suggests that homeopathy can be clinically effective, cost effective and safe. Research into any scientific topic is involved and often complex – homeopathy is no different.

The Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) was established in 2007 to conduct and promote high quality research into homeopathy. On their website, you will find some of the ways in which evidence for the positive effects of homeopathy is gathered and measured.

HRI is committed to finding ways to share complex scientific information in a way that is easy to understand, but still of the highest academic quality.

Find out more

View a range of films, talks and interviews with leading experts in homeopathy research from around the world, sharing their insights and experience in manageable bite-sized pieces on the HRI website, social media and You Tube channels.

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Homeopathy was pretty much the only one that really helped me and being very much into science, I started to question how can that be?

Interesting facts about homeopathy research

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By the end of 2022, 271 randomised controlled trials of homeopathic treatment for 144 medical conditions have been published in peer-reviewed journals with sufficient information provided to analyse the results.

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Knowing how a medicine works has never been a pre-requisite for its use. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is one of the most widely used drugs in the world, yet it was used for over 70 years before its mechanism of action was discovered in 1971. The drug is still actively researched today, as it has numerous biological effects which are still not fully understood.

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When strong positive studies are presented to critics of homeopathy, they often say that this is cherry picking because there are other negative trials on homeopathy. However, those negative trials are only relevant if they were testing the same homeopathic treatment for the same condition.

Having a voice

We work with other organisations who share our values and work to promote homeopathy and ensure that information about homeopathy is accurate and fairly represented.


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